Manual S Report Section

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Manual S Report Section

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If you checked the "This system's equipment was selected in accordance with ACCA Manual S" box on the Equipment page, the System Equipment Data and the Room Load Summary reports include a statement to that effect followed by a list of the design parameters needed to do a Manual S calculation, as shown below.

The "Manual S equipment sizing data" part of the above section includes the following abbreviations:

SODB:  Summer outdoor dry bulb temperature

SOWB:  Summer outdoor wet bulb temperature

WODB:  Winter outdoor dry bulb temperature

SIDB:  Summer indoor dry bulb temperature

SIRH:  Summer indoor relative humidity

WIDB:  Winter indoor dry bulb temperature

Sen. gain:  Sensible gain

Lat. gain:  Latent gain

Sen. loss:  Sensible loss

Entering clg. coil DB:  Entering cooling coil dry bulb temperature

Entering clg. coil WB:  Entering cooling coil wet bulb temperature

Entering htg. coil DB:  Entering heating coil dry bulb temperature

Clg. coil TD:  Cooling coil temperature difference between the air leaving the coil and that of the living space

Htg. coil TD:  Heating coil temperature difference between the air leaving the coil or heat exchanger and that of the living space

Req. clg airflow:  Required cooling airflow.  The minimum supply airflow needed to cool the space to the desired temperature.

Req htg. airflow:  Required heating airflow.  The minimum supply airflow needed to heat the space to the desired temperature.